For those of you that know me well, you know that one of my favorite things to do is connect people. I am thrilled when I have the opportunity to make introductions that are mutually beneficial and when I hear later about what came of that initial conversation between two people that I put together. While I spent most of the week indoors, I was further reminded of the importance of human connection and how it really is a catalyst for so many things. In the aftermath of Sandy, I saw many people connecting and helping one another and this got me thinking.
We don't get together enough.
Even though I personally do a lot of connecting via email, I also think it's very important to do connecting in person. One of the first things I did that built my business was throw networking events where I would get a number of companies together to meet one another and see how they could help one another. It was arguably one of the most effective things I did when I started Small Pond and one of the most essential to the company's growth.
I'm also a big believer in education and the fact that the best education comes from a group of people collecting their base of knowledge through a facilitated conversation. For that reason, I decided to host a Connecting Connectors Conference.
Maybe you are like me and love connecting people, maybe you are excited by the idea of connecting people and want to learn more about how others do it, or maybe you're hungry for an event where you can focus on meeting new and interesting individuals and discussing how you can help one another.
Whatever the reason, I hope that you'll take the time to check out the conference and tell some friends. In fact, the group ticket is the best deal, for that very reason. The more people who attend, the more people we can help. So spread this far and wide, because the more weak ties we assemble to more everyone benefits.
Take a day.
Make Connections.
Make changes.
Make a dent.
If you're big on Twitter, you can comment and use the hashtag #connectorcon
If you're interested in speaking or running a workshop email me.
My goal is to put together the most informative gathering of connectors possible.
You can read more about the event and get your ticket HERE.
I look forward to an event that helps all of us thrive.