I wanted to take a quick second to discuss email. We all get a ton of it and many times we delete it almost instantly. It occurred to me the other day how similar email marketing is to Christmas gift giving.
The gifts that we like are the ones that come from someone who actually listened when we told them what we wanted. They took the time to find us something that would be helpful, useful, or make us happy. The gifts that often get returned are the ones we feel we really don't need. The extra sweater that looks awful or the dreaded fruitcake.
In the world of email marketing, every day is Christmas. We open our inboxes to find many new "presents" and we ultimately decide if we want to keep them, give them back, or throw them away. We also "re-gift" coupons and offers that may not be right for us.
It seems to me that the winners in email marketing are the caring individuals who get us what we want. They take the time to listen and they send us a "gift" that is wanted and needed. They don't give us things we don't desire and they take the time to make sure what they send is valuable specifically to us. In the fast paced world of customer service, I think it's easy to get lazy with our gifts. Who hasn't been shopping on Christmas eve and realized that the fastest way to get out of the store is to buy a gift certificate to Target and be on your way home in an hour?
The problem is there are those who will take the time to one-up our lazy gifts by truly listening to what the customer actually wants and giving it to them and they'll be the one who gets thanked profusely Christmas morning.
Take a moment to think about the emails you are sending to your clients. What type of "gift" are you sending? Is it a sweater two sizes too big that will fit you instead of them? They'll see right through that. If you're sending emails out or sending email blasts, perhaps it's time to decide what your customers have on their Christmas list and get them something on there, rather than something that takes little or no thought and might not benefit them.
The winner in the gift giving game is the one who listens.
Do you hear what I hear?
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I created an evening version of Solving for X for those who cannot do weekends here.
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Posted by: writer jobs | December 14, 2011 at 02:39 PM